• Victorian Hallway Makeover – Before and (partial) After!

    Do you remember our grotty hallway? If not, here’s a shot of it in all its horrible glory. Think manky carpet, smoke damaged walls and a general layer of grubbiness built up over goodness knows how many years! This is it before our Victorian hallway makeover… This was the mood board for the hallway. I wanted to keep it light and airy while letting the period features shine, as they’re…

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  • Day Tripping – Day Trip to Harewood House

    My gran has a friend who lives just next to Harewood House and she used to take us to visit her when we were young. I have never been to the actual Harewood House though, so a day trip to Harewood House was a great adventure for both Holly AND me! It’s also one of the gardens that you can get discounted entry to with the Gardeners World 2 for…

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  • Summer Walks (2)

    Another summer walk! After our failed expedition to The House on the Hill a few nights ago (see post here), we decided to have another go. We actually looked on a map this time, rather than relying on some dodgy directions from next door. Last time we had gone too far up the lane, under the railway bridge, but we didn’t need to go as far. This walk was much…

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  • Summer Walks…

    We live on the side of a valley. Across the valley from us is what we call The House on the Hill (imaginative name, I know!). I’m so envious of the people who get to live in that house. They’re on the right side of the valley. They get all the sun. We get the shade. The House on the Hill is also massive!   Anyways, after we’ve eaten tea…

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  • Recipe – Quick and Easy Pizza Sauce

    Holly never used to like pizza, and is actually quite a fussy eater much to my annoyance. Now she LOVES it and I totally blame this quick and easy pizza sauce. This pizza sauce is so easy to make from scratch. It’s also good to make ahead and I always have a batch made up in the freezer, which makes this meal even easier! Once you’ve made this sauce, you’ll…

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