Tag: Easy wall panelling

2 Posts

  • How to Panel a Victorian Hallway (An Easy Tutorial!)

    One job I’ve been meaning to do for about a million years is panel our Victorian hallway. I’ve finally done it! I felt like such a winner haha! The best part is, it only took two hours from start to finish, which included time for a chat to the post lady about vegan cakes and enough time for me to rip off the panelling and start again when I’d mismeasured…

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  • Our Master Bedroom Transformation – with Wall Panelling Tutorial!

    I’ve always had a thing for period houses. They’re so full of character! Victorian houses especially appeal to me as they are sometimes unnecessarily grand, just for the sake of it. Our tiny terrace has grand skirting boards, coving and ceiling roses, all designed to impress visitors and give the impression that it’s a mini mansion! It’s really not, it’s just a three bedroom terraced house on a hill. In…

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