Summer Walks - Life with Holly

Summer Walks…

We live on the side of a valley. Across the valley from us is what we call The House on the Hill (imaginative name, I know!). I’m so envious of the people who get to live in that house. They’re on the right side of the valley. They get all the sun. We get the shade. The House on the Hill is also massive!


Anyways, after we’ve eaten tea Holly and I usually read a chapter or two from whatever book we’re reading before she has a shower. One night last week, I decided we should go for a wander instead as the evenings are so lovely at this time of year. I suggested we wander to The House on the Hill, as I’ve run past it before so I know there’s a public footpath and I thought it would be a nice adventure.

Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly

We asked our neighbour for directions. Despite me having run past it at least twice, I had no idea how to get to it. My sense of direction is appalling and I get lost going to places I’ve been to before regularly!

Summer Walks - Life with Holly
It was a bit windy!

Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly

We packed a quick snack (always!) and a bottle of water, and set off. We wandered past the club house from where I run, up the hill and into the woods.

Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly

There was a lovely little stream with stepping stones in the middle of it, which Holly loved going back and forth over. Sorry for the blurry photos! In the woods we also found a dead mole, which Holly declared to be the highlight of her trip.

Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly Summer Walks - Life with Holly

We had a lovely time, and were out for a couple of hours. Unfortunately we didn’t get to The House on the Hill as we ended up going in totally the wrong direction! We ended up in a field on the way up to the next village, but it had a lovely view of Castle Hill!

Castle Hill, Huddersfield - Summer Walks - Life with Holly

Next time we’ll get to The House on the Hill!



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Summer Walks (2)

5 August 2018