• Home Office Spaces in Period Homes

    More and more of us are working from home these days. Primarily I’m a wedding cake maker so I spend a lot of time in my kitchen baking and decorating wedding cakes, however I also have a lot of admin to get done. We turned our spare room/Room of Requirement style dumping ground into a mini office last year where I can work without taking over the dining table! Our…

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  • House Plants That Don’t Die in Victorian Houses

    Looking for houseplants for shady cool spots? Victorian houses are generally dark and cold. Mine is anyways! There are only a few house plants I have found don’t mind being in my house – most of them need more light or warmth than I can give them. Here are my favourite house plants that don’t die in Victorian houses.   I have a couple of dragon trees (Dracaena Marginata) which…

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  • Simple Styling Tips for Spring

    I love Spring. I imagine most people do, but I really do. Winter always seems so long, and I’m easily bored! After Christmas and New Year are over and done with, there’s nothing really to look forward to until Spring. One way to start the Spring vibe earlier is to bring some Spring indoors. Here are a few really easy, simple styling tips for Spring. My first is really easy…

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