• Recipe – Quick and Easy Pizza Dough

    This recipe for quick and easy pizza dough is a huge favourite in our house. It’s a great recipe to cook with kids. Holly loves making her own pizza and looks forward to Friday night pizza night (as do I, it’s minimal cooking and minimal mess!). For the dough I used a stand mixer with dough hook attachment as it’s there on my worktop. You can make this by hand…

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  • Victorian Hallway Makeover – Sanding Original Floorboards

    Wondering how to sand original floorboards? This post will give you a guide to sanding original floor boards. Read more now.   Following on from my inspiration post on our Victorian hallway makeover, my hatred of the hallway carpet increased to ridiculous levels after our chimney fire. The firemen (obviously doing a brilliant job, stopping our house burning down) had left a dirty trail all over the carpet. I said…

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  • My North-East Facing Garden in June

    Hi! I hope you’re well? Here’s an update on my north-east facing garden in June. Let’s see what’s flowering in this Yorkshire hillside garden in June. We’ve had a mini heatwave! It’s been a lovely few weeks of hot sunny days and nice cool nights and not a drop of rain. I had a quiet week of work and spent a lovely few days pottering in the garden and catching…

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  • My North East Facing Garden in May

    May is definitely a good month for the garden! It’s really coming alive, with so much new growth and things bursting into flower. Maybe it’s that there’s a bit more sunshine? Here’s what’s flowering in my north east facing garden in May.    The start of the month saw the arrival of the apple blossom which is one of my favourites in the garden. You know Spring is on its…

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