Tag: Hallway Inspiration

2 Posts

  • How to Panel a Victorian Hallway (An Easy Tutorial!)

    One job I’ve been meaning to do for about a million years is panel our Victorian hallway. I’ve finally done it! I felt like such a winner haha! The best part is, it only took two hours from start to finish, which included time for a chat to the post lady about vegan cakes and enough time for me to rip off the panelling and start again when I’d mismeasured…

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  • Victorian Hallway Makeover – Inspiration Board

    Hallways are one of the first parts of your home a visitor sees. As I have a lot of visitors (that sounds weird, but it’s not!) I needed our hallway to look clean, inviting and show off the period features. When I told Mr R that we would embark on our Victorian hallway makeover, he rolled his eyes. Rude. Our hallway is super depressing. It could be so beautiful! The…

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