Category: Garden

9 Posts

  • My Garden Plans

    This year, as ever, my garden has been left to do its own thing and now looks rubbish. From May onwards as I get busier with work the garden gets more and more neglected and left to its own devices. Some things are looking fab, like the Erigeron and the roses, but everything else either gets eaten by slugs or damaged in a storm. Thugs such as the comfrey also…

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  • Small Courtyard Garden Ideas

    Our small courtyard garden is a bit of a funny place, a place we never really used other than for pegging out washing and getting out to the car. A while ago, we made a pallet sofa (see the blog post with How To Make a Pallet Sofa here) which was great but in all honesty was too big for our small yard. Our small courtyard is a funny shape,…

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  • My North-East Facing Garden in June

    Hi! I hope you’re well? Here’s an update on my north-east facing garden in June. Let’s see what’s flowering in this Yorkshire hillside garden in June. We’ve had a mini heatwave! It’s been a lovely few weeks of hot sunny days and nice cool nights and not a drop of rain. I had a quiet week of work and spent a lovely few days pottering in the garden and catching…

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